Language: Angličtina Čínština ( Zjednodušený ) Němec Hindština Vietnamský Chorvatský Dánský Holandský Francouzština Japonský Korejský Finský Řečtina Islandský Indonéský Nepálský Polský Portugalština ( Brazílie) Portugalština ( Portugalsko) Quechua Rumunština Somali Španělský Švédský Tamil Turečtina Ukrajinský Urdu Uzbek Zulu
A beautiful lush small decorative palm tree in a box with a Robelin date, palm thickets. Set 621
A beautiful lush small decorative palm tree in a box Description:
Decorative palm trees for the interior in a flowerpot, box.
Indoor plants
exotic plants
Tropical plants
Phoenix – Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii – Robelin ‘s Date
Decorative palm tree, outdoor flowerpot, landscape design, Robelena Date
Phoenix roebelenii, Robelena date, palm date, Date in a box, Date palm, small palm, tall palm, lush palm, palm in a basket, basket with palm, basket with handles, decorative palm, indoor plants, robelena date, box, flower, bush, outdoor, garden, for the street, tropics, jungle, eco, design, eco-style, in, pots, vases, planters, decor, flowers, green, office, date, exotic, tropical, palm in a box, a box with a palm tree, palm thickets