Language: Angličtina Čínština ( Zjednodušený ) Němec Hindština Vietnamský Chorvatský Dánský Holandský Francouzština Japonský Korejský Finský Řečtina Islandský Indonéský Nepálský Polský Portugalština ( Brazílie) Portugalština ( Portugalsko) Quechua Rumunština Somali Španělský Švédský Tamil Turečtina Ukrajinský Urdu Uzbek Zulu
Master CHIEF ( bust ) – STL Files
Introductions Master CHIEF ( bust ) – STL Files
HALO – Master Chief ( bust ) – for 3D printing
The Master Chief is a towering supersoldier known as a “Spartan”, raised and trained from childhood for combat.
This project is a FAN ART .
The model is adapted for 3D printing.
STL files can only be downloaded from
You can print whatever size you want
Introductions Model STL
The model is presented in scale: 1:10
Recommended for FDM printing, 1: 6 minimum scale, up (1: 6 ,1: 4, 1: 2, 1: 1)
The project does not include supported files, as it can be printed in different sizes.
This project is included in the Welcome package