Language: Engleski Kineski (pojednostavljeni) Njemački Hindski Vijetnamski češki Danski Nizozemski Francuski Japanski Korejski Finski Grčki Islandski Indonezijski Nepali Poljski Portugalski (Brazil) Portugalski (Portugal) Quechua Rumunjski Somalski španjolski švedski Tamil Turski Ukrajinski Urdski Uzbečki Zulu
Ghostbusters STL ( 4 busts )
Introductions Ghostbusters STL ( 4 busts )
Who you gonna call ???
Ghostbusters !!!!
Ghostbusters character busts
This project is a FAN ART .
The model is adapted for 3D printing.
STL files can only be downloaded from
Introductions Model STL
You can print whatever size you want
The model is presented in scale: 1:10
Recommended for FDM printing, 1: 6 minimum scale, up (1: 6 ,1: 4, 1: 2, 1: 1)
The project does not include supported files, as it can be printed in different sizes.
This project is included in the Welcome package