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NARUTO – 3D Printing Files STL
INtroductions NARUTO – 3D Printing Files STL
Naruto Uzumaki – Shippuuden ( Naruto Hurricane Chronicles ) !!!!!! 3D Model for 3D Printing !!!!
A noisy and restless teenage ninja who wants to achieve universal recognition and become a Hokage – In order to gain the respect of others, he goes through thousands of obstacles: ninja exams, various missions and battles.
He is the hero of the fourth shinobi war, and because he is the genchurics, and with the help of the amazing strength of Kurama, he defeated the enemy
This model was made with great accuracy and attention to detail to render the hero’s personality and features.
The STL files presented in the highest quality and the included settings will make the 3D Print process easy and captivating.