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New York City Manhattan 3D Model
3D Model Description:
3D miniature of Midtown Manhattan!
Model spans from the East River to the Hudson river & 25th St. to 60th St.
This model was designed to be printed with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.16mm layer heights.
Try using a 0.2mm nozzle (0.08mm layer heights) or scaling up for even finer detail!
Note: If roads or other small details disappear after slicing, try lowering the extrusion/line width of external perimeters (outer walls) closer to 0.4mm OR use Arachne walls.
3D Model Setting:
This model measures almost exactly 7.5×9.5in (241.32mm X 191.08mm) and should fit most 8×10 frames (assuming frame lip/overlap is around a half-inch). Feel free to change the scale/size of the model(s) to meet your needs.
Personally I use these cheap wooden frames from Amazon
I also included a large printable frame (w/ 1mm water plate) designed to fit my large miniature cities.
Note: This is a “large” miniature and will not fit the smaller ~5x7inch printable frame included with the other miniature cities!
A frame is not required! This model looks great by itself and can be displayed almost anywhere.