Language: Engleski Kineski (pojednostavljeni) Njemački Hindski Vijetnamski češki Danski Nizozemski Francuski Japanski Korejski Finski Grčki Islandski Indonezijski Nepali Poljski Portugalski (Brazil) Portugalski (Portugal) Quechua Rumunjski Somalski španjolski švedski Tamil Turski Ukrajinski Urdski Uzbečki Zulu
Schroeder 3D Model
3D Model Description:
After Linus, Schroeder is Charlie Brown’s closest friend. He is distinguished by his prodigious skill at playing the toy piano, as well as by his love of classical music and the composer Ludwig van Beethoven in particular.
The model, as presented is 64mm tall.
This MMU model was derived from my non-MMU model (reworked for a clean MMU print).
(note: I have not completed testing/setting purge values, therefore there is some bleeding in my print)
Print instructions
I’ve included two Prusa Slicer 3MF files that I used for this print. One file is for Schroeder and the other one is for the piano. For the piano, I split it for a simpler print and some glue is needed to join the piano top/bottom together. I then glued Shroeder’s hands and shoes to the piano.
Individual STL parts are also included for other slicers.
Be sure to check/set the purge amounts for the colors based on your filament brand.