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Figurine Pen or Tool Holder
Figurine Pen or Tool Holder 3D Model Description:
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Shall we create a superhero? Brainstorm the realm and feature all the awesome designs in there? This is the 3rd model in the 3D Printing Guardian collection – this time as a figurine pen holder.
What began as a themed spool holder in 2017, has gained popularity and positive feedback. Several years on, 3DPG is not simply a spool holder, but also a comic strip hero and was featured as a YouTube channel anchor. In the main post on our website, we briefly go through all of his current and future roles and projects.
We have already been in collaboration with a few known 3D print designers, and you can recognize them from some of the comics. For example, Louise Driggers allowed us to feature her Adalinda and PrintThatThing’s Armored Cat was also featured in the comics. As the project continues, more related content is expected to come.
The current model is a gorgeous figurine that, if printed full-sized, can hold a pen. If scaled, it can hold smaller tools like hex tools, for example.
Needle Holder. It can also be printed on a resin 3D printer like Saturn 4. For example, we scaled the model to 30% and tilted it on the back side to 45 degrees. In the CHITUBOX slicer, supports were autogenerated with some extra supports added to be sure.
We added STL and .3mf files. In the screenshot, we show how to place supports. On the Creality K1 with organic supports, this model was printed in 6 hours.