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Dizzy Bot 3D Model
Dizzy Bot 3D Model Descriptions:
This robot is an assembly toy for children: its head turns as it rolls, making it great fun!
(parental supervision is recommended)
The 11 pieces must be assembled by an adult; there’s a clip and the rest fit together.
- Test the fit and interlocking of each part beforehand, as it’s not easy to dismantle them once they’ve been assembled.
- For assembly, use a small screwdriver, for example (one of the photos shows the assembly).
1) First assemble the head gear (gear angle i) with its axis (head axis i) with the Dizzy Bot body (robot body i).
2) Insert the head spacer to lock the assembly (head spacer i)
3) Wheel assembly: through the Dizzy Bot body, insert successively and little by little :
- the axle (wheel axle i)
- a washer (washer i)
- the toothed wheel (left wheel i)
- the plain wheel (right wheel i)
- washer (washer i)
- after several adjustments, insert the clip in the middle of the axle (clip i)
Once the clip is in place, it’s hard to remove! But it ensures the correct spacing between the two wheels.
4) You’re almost there, snap on Dizzy Bot’s head and you’re done!!!
Note: Dizzy Bot prefers to roll on carpet or rugs 🙂
3D Model Settings:
- Unsupported printing with your usual settings.
(Suggestion: For the robot body, depending on your printer and the adhesion to the platen, I use a print outline (“Brim”) to prevent peeling, deformation and also to ensure good adhesion, it’s very effective, you’ll have to remove it afterwards.
- All parts are oriented in the right direction in your “slicer”.
- All parts to be printed x1 (once) except washer x2 (twice)
- a small dot of glue in the right places isn’t a bad idea if Dizzy Bot’s head turns very fast and very often! But make sure your assembly is correct before gluing!