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Panel curtains, Japanese curtains 2
Panel curtains, Japanese curtains 2 Description:
Corona version 9
The model uses materials that may not be displayed correctly in very old versions of the engine.
Sliding panel curtains or Japanese curtains are an alternative for roller blinds in modern interiors. More functional and mobile panel curtains eliminate glare (as, for example, between roller blinds)
They are suitable for zoning space both in private interiors and in office spaces. They can serve as a textile sliding partition or as a wardrobe compartment instead of doors
The model is presented in three materials (fine weaving, linen, rice paper)
The panel consists of separate easily editable elements
The objects are partially hidden, textures and materials have logical names
Texturing UnwrapUVW
Corona render, it is recommended to install a version not lower than 1.5, since the glossiness of materials is configured with PBR in mind