Paper Goomba 3D Model

Windows Autodesk 3ds Max3D Print Models
20 ( 120 ratings )
Price: $0
Name Paper Goomba 3D Model
Category 3D Print Models
Size 5.16 MB
Mod Version
Paper Goomba 3D Model is the most famous version in the Paper Goomba 3D Model series of publisher

Language: 英語 簡体中国語 ドイツ語 ヒンディー語 ベトナム語 クロアチア語 チェコ語 デンマーク語 オランダ語 フランス語 韓国語 フィンランド語 ギリシア語 アイスランド語 インドネシア語 ネパール語 ポーランド語 ポルトガル語(ブラジル) ポルトガル語 ケチュア語 ルーマニア語 ソマリ語 スペイン語 スウェーデン語 タミル語 トルコ語 ウクライナ語 ウルドゥー語 ウズベク語 ズールー語

Paper Goomba 3D Model

Paper Goomba 3D Model Description:

Multi-Part design is to be printed out in separate parts in the corresponding colors to eliminate the need to paint. This also allows everyone to be able to print this design regardless of what printer you are using.

Paper Goomba 3D

Absolutely love the new Paper Mario 1000-year door, or is it a re-master? Either way the art, gameplay, characters, and dialog are fantastic!! I haven’t gotten much play time as my family seems to be hogging it for the time being… maybe soon I’ll get my chance.

Paper Goomba 3D

I saw these goombas and created my own to print out! My wife saw the one I made, and demanded an army of them. Haha

Paper Goomba 3D

These are easy to print and fun to put together. I have been successful printing out all the parts without support. I do add a brim to the small teeth for better bed adhesion.

Paper Goomba 3D

I don’t normally like to allow re-mixes of my designs, but I am opening the doors on this one.

Thanks for checking out my design, Happy Printing!!

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