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WeWood RE-FORM Coffee Side Tables
WeWood RE-FORM Coffee Side Tables Description:
WeWood RE-FORM Coffee Side Tables
L 800 x D 800 x H 400 mm (polys 2880, vertex 2881) BIG
L 300 x D 400 x H 500 mm (polys 2948, vertex 2949) TALL
L 400 x D 300 x H 375 mm (polys 2948, vertex 2949) SMALL
3DMax File size: 9.72 MB, File units: millimeters,
Type mesh : Only Quad-Polygon
Geometry of 3D model haen optimized (+ 67% to speed rendering): created with a min number of polys + without Toorbosmooth + Prune Scene.
– Seawless front edges.
– Fine Tuning Every Chamfer.
– Compliance with the real model (accuracy 0.8 mm).
– No glossy deformed effects.
– Completed Unwrapped UVW
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