Language: 영어 중국어 간체 독어 힌두어 베트남어 크로아시아어 체코슬로바키아어 덴마크어 화란어 불어 일어 핀란드어 그리스어 아이슬랜드어 인도네시아어 네팔어 폴란드어 브라질 포르투갈어 포르투갈 포르투갈어 케추아어 로마니아어 소말리아어 스페인어 스웨덴어 타밀어 터어키어 우크라이나어 우르두어 우즈베크어 줄루어
Universal Jug Pot Can Vasemode Waterproof & Precise
3D Model Description:
Simple Jug Can Pot Kännchen whatever to precisely
I designed these to mix up some epoxy for my knives and pour that precisely into the handle molds. But it works super good with water too!
I have 2 Designs: One with a handle to hold it with your fingers and one without if you have big hands like me ,-)
Antidrip Technology: The spout is designed so you can pour the liquid without spilling it all around and have it running down after using the jug.
Curved top: I designed the Top so it is slightly curved inwards so eventually upcoming splash might get catched during mixing.
You can get very clean jugs if you print them with the Vasemode settings! But make sure that your temperature is dialed in correct! Else the Jug might not be waterproof and strong enough.
Nozzle SIze: The bigger your nozzle the stronger the Pot! But you can get more out of your standard ,4 mm Nozzle! Simply set the extrusion width to ,65 mm in your slicer!
I tested PETG & PLA on different printers (,4 mm Nozzle) and all jugs worked super!
Of course you can scale this design up/ down to match your requirements. But keep in mind that a bigger Jug will get to its limits if you fill it with heavy water and still print it with a ,4 mm Nozzle ,-)