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Introductions TMNT Raphael 1988 Articulated Print-in-place 3D Model:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael / Playmates 1988
Print your own articulated action figure in pla filament
We have worked carefully in this design to deliver a printable toy that actually comes out of the heated bed articulated and ready to go ! completely without supports, the end result is a nice looking print with vibrant colors of your choice.
High: 12 cm
-Print in a glass bed using any hold hair spray (this is optional, but we’ve been printing this way for years, nothing give you better looking and flat first layers)
-Dont change the scale of the print, the internal structures that creates the articulated parts has been prepared for this specific size
1-the print keep failing, the arms don’t stick to the pre-support pillar and fall of and ruin the print.
Solution: Between the arms and the pre-support pillars you will see an empty space (one layer) is there for a reason, this allow you to remove the pre-support pillar easily, without this the pre-support pilar will weld totally to the arm, if while you are printing the file the arms do not stick to the pre-support pilar and fall off, you must increase the nozzle temp by 5 grades and test again
you see, the filament won’t be sticky enough until you melt it with the right temperature, for us, this is 215, but this can vary from printer to printer and filament brands, it could be 220 or even 225 for you,
3D Model Settings
Primary Layer Height = 0,1600 (mm) (mandatory)
Top Solid Layers= 9
Outline/Perimeter Shells= 2
Temperature= 215°C
Default Printing Speed= 40,0 mm/s
Outline Underspeed= 40%
Infill Percentage= 12% (or more, it’s up to you).